Difficulty: Easy
Prep time: 10 min
Baking time: 15 min
-Brown sugar (dark or light, doesn't matter)
-zest of 1 Lemon
-1 Egg
-1 sheet of Puff Pastry
-Powder sugar (optional)
-OPTIONAL: Sesame seeds (preferably toasted) they look really pretty on it, but I don't really like the two tastes of sesame and cinnamon... they're just for garnish
Gather up your ingredients! Yes yes, I know there's honey in the picture, but it was used for the terrible sauce, which I don't think is worth making.
Go ahead and defrost your puff pastry; it's supposed to be kept frozen, so put out to thaw 10-15 minutes before you start! It's usually rolled up, so it's a bit tricky to unravel it! Try keeping a knife nearby for its straight edge
Cut the dough into 4 squares--cut down the center vertical line, and then one center horizontal to make a cross shape.
Cut each of the sections into 4 pieces!
Cut em all up, they should look like this :)
Now, prepare a large bowl, preferably flat and shallow; add in 2 tbs of cinnamon~
You can add your sesame seeds here, but I regret putting mine in raw, and they were just a bit overpowering the cinnamon...
and 4 tbs brown sugar :) If you want to make them more of a desert, add up to 6 tbs! You can add some powder (confectioner) sugar for more of a melt-in-your-mouth taste~
Mix up the dry ingredients! Add the lemon zest here :)
Line a baking try with some parchment paper--I ran out, so I just had to use foil :( If you use foil oil/butter/spam it up! I forgot to, so I had one hell of a time removing them when they were done -0-
This picture shows two, because the original shape I was going for was a bit different, but I liked my second idea better--just use one strip at a time!
I tried it in this shape first, but it was just too big and ugly! :/ so trust me on this one. Just use one :p
Crack your egg and beat it up real well till bubbly :) Prepare a pastry brush too! If you don't own one, you can use your hands :) Some people like to add water in their egg wash, but I think for this recipe, it's better thick.
So taking the egg wash, brush it on both sides of a strip!
Roll it around in the dry mixture and cover well :) it's okay to have missing spots! Now, taking the strip horizontally, grabbing each end of the strip, twist the ends in opposite directions~
When you're done, you should end up with a whole lot of these! 8)
The oven should be preheated by now, so pop em in for 15 minutes! Keep an eye on them after the 10 minute mark, since everyone's oven differs. Mine was a bit on the crispier side and mine was left in for 15. Maybe about 13 minutes? Go figure. (but be prepared to leave them in longer; my oven is strong enough to nuke a planet.)
Ah.. what a mess -___- this is the time to wash the dishes and clean up your work area!
They're done!
Pastries don't like to come off in one go when they're hot, so cool em just a bit!
And here we go!
Finished! =-) they're super yummy with some coffee~
Sorry if this last picture scared you, because it sure scared the crap outta me while scrolling down. LOL. I've been having some problems with falling asleep lately, so I've been hella tired. I had work today, and drove home for 1.5 hrs due to a brush fire in my area.
Goodluck trying it out! :)
those look delish! i want to try them out now :D
ooo they look so good!!!!! I love the pictures :D
I've gotta try this in the future!
:O It looks so pretty~ I'll try it one day when I'm not lazy hahaha
btw your honey is so cute! Bear shaped~
LOL shirley. Everytime I buy honey, it always comes in a bear shaped bottle! I have no idea why... haha :p
ohh yummmyyy! they look SO good! I really want to try this recipe now :)
OOOH interesting recipe!
Thanks for sharing... and what a cute honey bottle!!! I want to own one like that...
They look so good..I wanna try making them!
awe thank you so much for your sweet comment(:
by the way your blog looks so tastey! lol(:
JINNA make oppa some okay?! pat pat
This look so good! Thanks for sharing. =] I want to tryyyy.
This is quite a simple thing to make actually.... I might try this too. Not as delicious as the fried rice you posted long time ago <3 <3 <3 Still can't forget it.
야 Jinna! You still drop by to see my site =D! You know who alexander wang is? because I honestly didn't until queenie told me to go. Do you own his stuff? His dresses and purses or whatever... ? Welps it was a pretty fun day overall. Some girls came dressed up in A.Wang top to bottom man... dress, heels, whole lot. On a Wednesday morning it was kind of super excessive and didn't fit any occasion lol.
-the picture of you did not scare me. still pretty.
oh delicious! i definitely want to try to make this! :P yours look like they came out very yummy!
i'm reside in the san gabriel valley, but usually go out to LA! :)
hope you're getting some good rest!
yummmm! looks really delicious since i lalalalovee cinnamon! awesome blog btw :) new follower here <3
omg these look so yummy! send me some :3
NOMNOMNOM!!! yummie!!! i love to eat cake and cookies. but i'm not a great bakerxD. i have to learn how to be a pro baker some day...
Nice post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
omg loookss delicious !
yuuuhuuuum =D
That looks so good! I've never had cinnamon twists before =S
P.s. You've been tagged in my latest post =) xX
hi every person,
I identified thejinna.blogspot.com after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
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